Explore Newsletter Summer 2023
The Explore Newsletter Summer 2023 details travelling with the Garrad's on a ten month journey through Australia with an Exodus Road Camper.
Hard Floor VS Hybrid Camper Trailers – What Is The Difference?
For those in the market for a new camper trailer, it can be difficult to work out the differences between the different types. With choices such as soft floor camper trailers, hard floor camper trailers and hybrid camper trailers, understanding what is what can be mind boggling. Off-road hard floor camper trailers have long being a popular choice among Australians. However, over the last few years,
The Most Romantic Camper-Trailer Destinations in Australia
When it comes to romantic getaways in Australia, you are literally spoiled for choice. If you want to treat that special person in your life to a memorable camper-trailer trip, then taking them somewhere spectacular is the way to go. Whether you are looking for perfect golden sunsets, a secluded tropical oasis or dramatic landscapes to enjoy together, we have you covered. With so many perfect
10 Ultimate Easter Camper Trailer Destinations
Easter is the perfect time to enjoy a family getaway. The weather is more than warm enough to enjoy an Easter camper trailer holiday. In fact, it is one of the best times of year to head away as it is neither too hot nor too cold. With Easter being spread out over a long weekend, there is plenty of time to explore some of Australia’s
Best Outback camper trailer touring destinations
The Australian outback is a wondrous place. Filled with spectacular sites both of scenic and historical interest, it is filled with magical destinations perfect for camper trailer touring. If you already own a camper trailer, you will love exploring the outback. Camper trailers are easy to tow, offer maximum flexibility and convenience and are perfect for off-roading. When heading into the Australian outback, you need a
How to Take Great Travel Photos
Want to blow everyone away with your sense of creativity, composition, and perception? Want to ensure that your friends don’t get bored when you excitedly show them a pictorial tour of your trip? Want to take photos worthy of a frame in your hallway? Then try these tips to take the perfect photo! 1. Follow the ‘Rule of Thirds’. The ‘rule of thirds’ is a simple principle to
Best Travelling Apps
As much as camping is all about ‘getting back to basics’, if you’re on a long trip around Australia, a few good travel apps on your smartphone or tablet can make your life so much easier. Here is a list of the best travel apps around. Best travel apps you need to download 1. WikiCamps, $4.99 This is the ultimate travel app for campers. A comprehensive list of free camp